For writers who want to make a living with writing - but not write for money.

Welcome to what may become a thousand-page book made up of random thoughts, interviews, resources, outlines, and other things around the topic of writing for life.

The phrase “Write to Live” is meant both idealistically and strategically - writing keeps our souls alive, and puts dinner on the table.

The trouble is, the pursuit of one too often seems to negate the other.

Well, I don’t think so - and in this project, I’d like to show you how you could do both. And have fun while you’re at it. (Both starving screenwriters and millionaire-copywriters-who-want-to-write-novels tend to be a sort of martyr. Let’s not end up there.)

Who I Am

I’m Odelia. Here’s my site. I write sporadically on my own blog, publish something on Percolations every Friday, and write for magazines and websites here and there. I’ve written a novel, taught AP English for three years (and counting), and am stepping into the songwriting space.

About “Write to Live”

A friend once told me he’d like to do the same thing as I was doing (making money doing what he loves, which is writing). At the time, I didn’t have to time to do much more than nod and smile and tell him it’s possible.

This is my answer to his implied question. I’m making it public (even the letter to him that’d serve as the main introduction) in hopes someone else would find it helpful.

How To Use This Project

I’d be writing here and adding to it over time, maybe changing things as I learn and develop my own skills and knowledge based, or gain more experience. You’re welcome to:

Email me feedback, questions, and long-winded comments: write[@]

Table of Contents